we're back!!!
Oh goodness it has been a while since I have blogged and i am going to make a point of doing so at least once a week or more. Much has changed since I last blogged almost three years ago, WE ARE PARENTS yea!!
God worked a miracle! Even more exciting WE ARE NO LONGER IN CHICAGO!!!
We moved back to the Seattle/Tacoma area, we live in an area called Federal Way, (in a state like Washington there just had to be an area named for the Feds lol).
Anywho there were a lot of things that got us back here and in the days weeks months and years (I hope) to come I plan on bringing you in on this. Anyway let's start from the beginning.
When I last wrote I was unemployed in Chicago living in my grandparents building and struggling with accepting that parenthood may have eluded me. A year later I was tremendously blessed with the job I have now, I perform IT helpdesk work for a company based in Paris,
I am not there but here in the states. I have been blessed with so much favor on this position.
In 2013 Nicole celebrated a landmark b day, and we had parties both here in WA, and in Chi. When we came out to WA to celebrate Maestro(only the best dog ever) andI flew to Seattle, and while enroute, I felt the Lord begin to make statements as we were beginning the final approach.
Him: "You should really consider moving back to this area".
Me: "I would love to but I have no resource to make that happen "
Him: "You should really think about it"
Me: "Ok if you really want me to come back here You are going to have to make this happen, I got nothing, I do not have the money, I do not have the resources, if this door is going to be opened its going to have to be all You Lord because honestly, I got nothing"
That was the beginning middle and end of that conversation at that time.
Two days later no fewer than three people at Nicole's party hemmed me up in a corner peppering me with one question; "ok y'all been gone long enough, when are you all coming back"?
I gave my standard answer "three to five years".
Two days later, it was President's day and I was at the office covering for the team and taking calls from Canada, I was taking a break and while walking to the break area another conversation that went something like this:
Him: "You know the resources you need are locked up in your building".
Me: "True I never saw that before"
Him: "You could sell your buiding and use the proceeds to move to Tacoma"
Me: "I could do that, and it would take care of a multitude of issues for us"
Him: "You should talk to a Realtor this week to see what the going rate would be for your building"
Me: "Ok I will and thank you, this is the first time I have had peace about this, thank you for that"
So began the move process...
...to be continued, no for real this time